Graduation Requirements

Graduation Requirements in a nutshell:

  1. Completion of the writing requirement. (“W”)
  2. Completion of the quantitative reasoning requirement. (“Q”)
  3. Completion of the intercultural literacy requirement. (“C”)
  4. Completion of the liberal arts breadth requirements - the five “Domains”. (“1S”, “2A”, “3B”, “4U”, and “5T”)
  5. Completion of the experience requirement. (“E”)
  6. Completion of a capstone experience. (“CP”)
  7. Completion of a departmental or interdisciplinary major, with a cumulative grade point average of at least C (2.000) in all courses in the major.
  8. Completion of at least 31 units of earned credit, with a cumulative grade point average of at least C (2.000) in all Beloit courses attempted.

For detailed information, please review the current catalog and graduation requirements checklist.

Catalog Choice

A student may choose to be governed by the degree requirements enumerated in any one of the following three catalogs:

  1. the catalog at the time of entrance
  2. the catalog at the time of declaration of major
  3. the catalog at the time of graduation

Writing, Quantitative Reasoning, and Intercultural Literacy Requirements (Skills)

The writing, quantitative reasoning, and intercultural literacy requirements must be satisfied by five different courses.

AP, IB, GCE A-level credits may not be used to satisfy these requirements.

Liberal Arts Breadth Requirements (Domains)

These 5 requirements, where a requirement is understood as .75 unit or 2 courses, should normally be completed by the end of the student’s fourth semester. Students may not be granted junior status until they have completed these requirements.

AP, IB, GCE A-level credits may not be used to satisfy these requirements.

Each domain requirement must be satisfied by a different course prefix (e.g., PSYC, BIOL, HIST, CRIS).

Experience (E) Requirement

Students who entered the college prior to Spring 2023 may meet either the Liberal Arts in Practice (LAP) Requirement or the Experience (E) Requirement. Students who entered Spring 2023 or later must meet the Experience (E) Requirement.

All students complete the Experience requirement (E), usually during their sophomore or junior year. Complementing their participation in AMP, Schools, and Capstones, these experiences beyond the traditional classroom enhance students’ career readiness. Students connect these experiences with their classroom learning and transfer the skills developed in these experiences into other settings. Students may find existing activities or design their own in collaboration with faculty or staff.

To meet the Experience requirement, experiences must include all of the following features:

  1. Immersion. Substantial experience(s) featuring student-driven activity and/or immersive engagement in a new setting.
  2. Application of Skills. Application of knowledge and skills in context(s) beyond the traditional classroom.
  3. Connection with Others. Engagement with communities, audiences, and/or professionals beyond the traditional classroom.
  4. Reflection. Reflection on the experience.

Note that experiences beyond the traditional classroom do not need to occur off-campus.

The Experience requirement may be met in any one of five ways. The experience must total the equivalent of at least 1 unit of academic credit, although earning academic credit is not required.

Capstone Requirement

Completion of a capstone experience (.5 or 1 unit of academic credit). (“CP” in course

Capstone experiences occur after the fourth semester, typically in a student’s final year. Each program or department identifies one or more opportunities for its majors to fulfill the capstone requirement. While some capstones may qualify as E-designated courses, a single capstone unit may not simultaneously satisfy both the Experience requirement and the capstone requirement.

Degrees Offered

The Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees are conferred by Beloit College upon completion of the prescribed requirements.

The degree normally awarded is that of Bachelor of Arts. Those whose major field of concentration is in the natural sciences (biology, biochemistry, chemistry, geology, and physics) may, however, elect to receive the Bachelor of Science degree if they present a minimum of 4 units in science and/or mathematics and/or computer science outside their major department.

Students whose major field of concentration is mathematics or computer science may elect to receive the Bachelor of Science degree if they present a minimum of 4 units in the natural sciences. Students whose major field of concentration is health and society may elect to receive the Bachelor of Science degree if they present a minimum of 8 units in the natural sciences and/or mathematics and/or computer science. This election is normally made at the time of the selection of the major field of concentration and must be made prior to the beginning of the senior year.

Degree Expectations

  1. Students will be expected to complete at least 2 units (or equivalent non-credit-bearing activities) involving study or experience of a language and/or culture not their own, and of the relations between nations or other global entities in a global context.
  2. Students will be expected to complete a My Achievement Plan (MAP) during their sophomore year in consultation with their advisor.

Graduation Honors

Common Graduation Questions

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